Opis projekta
Razorna eksplozija koja je pogodila Bejrut 4. avgusta 2020. godine imala je strašne posledice po libanski narod, povrh poteškoća izazvanih ekonomskom nesigurnošću i gubitkom poslova usled sve jačih negativnih uticaja globalne pandemije COVID-19 i sve većim negativnim uticajem finansijske krize i ekonomske borbe. Eksplozija je dovela do velikog dodatnog opterećenja na sve sektore i industrije, koji se trude da pruže podršku onima kojima je najpotrebnija – kako za samo preživljavanje tako i za osnovne životne potrebe.
Poznata globalna konsultantska firma za procenu štete procenila je da je stambeni sektor najteže pogođen eksplozijom, a za popravku svih oštećenih zgrada potrebno je blizu 1,8 milijardi USD (oko 1,5 milijardi EUR) (izvor: Strategi &, deo mreže PvC).
Pored navedenog, intenzitet razaranja izaziva zabrinutost zbog velikog socijalnog šoka koji je vrlo teško pogodio stanovništvo Libana i koji bi mogao potrajati godinama dok se sve ne vrati u određenu normalu, ako je to uopšte moguće, posebno bez pomoći međunarodne zajednice.
Ovim putem se svi pozivaju da velikodušno doniraju, podržavajući teške nevolje bratskog naroda Libana, putem ove stranice za donacije. Ovu stranicu je postavio Catalyst Balkans usled dragocene inicijative srpskih prijatelja Libana i uz visoko cenjenu podršku „Inicijative za razvoj i saradnju“ (IDC).
Pozivajući se na gore navedene razloge, prikupljena sredstva biće donirana proverenoj i uglednoj nevladinoj organizaciji „Bassama“ koja radi na popravljanju oštećenih prebivališta i pomaganju porodicama da se što pre vrate svojim kućama (https://vvv.bassma.org/) i (https://vvv.facebook.com/bassmalb).
Cilj kampanje je da se dostigne ukupan iznos od 10.000 evra u novčanim donacijama koje će direktno doprineti obnovi uništenih domova i vratiti ih u prihvatljiva stanja u kojima mogu da žive porodice koje su nekada živele u njima. Donacije će se koristiti za zamenu, popravku i restauraciju različitih građevinskih elemenata, počev od zastakljivanja i aluminijumskih okvira do izolacija kuća, vrata i stakala, kao i oštećenih javnih zdravstvenih, komunalnih i sanitarnih delova.
Prikupljanje sredstava biće postepeno kako bi se dostigli različiti ciljevi, koji su postavljeni da dozvole rekonstrukciju jednog doma za drugim. Prvi cilj je podrška renoviranju porodične kuće prikazane na donjim slikama koja zahteva uklanjanje oštećenih žičanih okvira, popravku unutrašnjih i spoljnih vrata i zamenu prozirnih staklenih ploča:
Iznos sredstava potrebnih za podršku ovoj porodici da se vrati u svoj dom prikazan je gore 345.081,28 RSD (3.418 USD).
Vaš doprinos ovom značajnom cilju može pomoći u obnavljanju socijalne sigurnosti za ljude koji žude za krovom nad glavom, posebno pre hladnih zimskih meseci.
The devastating explosion that hit Beirut on the 4th of August 2020 had a lot of terrible consequences on the Lebanese people, on top of the difficulties that were already weighing down on them for some time. In addition to the growing hurdles dealing with the intensifying adverse effect of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the ever-increasing negative impact of the financial crisis and economic struggle, the blast has put a massive additional strain on all sectors and industries, which are grappling to survive and provide essential services to the people of Lebanon.
A renowned global management consulting firm estimated that the housing sector is the one that has been worst-hit by the explosion, and it requires close to 1.8 billion USD (around 1.5 billion EUR) to repair all the damaged buildings (source: Strategy&, part of the PwC network).
In addition to the above, the intensity of the destruction raises the concern of a big social shock that has hit the population of Lebanon very badly and that might take years to go back to a certain normal, if that is possible at all, especially without the help of the international community.
Everyone one is urged to donate generously, in support of the severely distressed brotherly people of Lebanon, through this donations page. This page was set-up by Catalyst Balkans upon the much-valued initiative of wonderful Serbian friends of Lebanon and with the highly appreciated support of “Initiative for Development and Cooperation” (IDC).
Referring to the above reasons, the raised funds will be donated to “Bassma”, a verified and reputable NGO that is working on repairing damaged residences and on assisting families to return to their homes (https://www.bassma.org/) and (https://www.facebook.com/bassmalb).
The goal of the campaign is to reach the total amount of 10,000 EUR in financial donations that will contribute directly to the refurbishment of destroyed homes back to acceptable states of being inhabitable by the families that used to live in them. The donations will be used to replace, repair and restore various building elements, starting from glazing and aluminum framing to weatherproofing the houses, to doors and glass as well as damaged public health, utilities and sanitary parts.
The fundraising will be gradual to reach different milestones, that have been set to permit the reconstruction of one home after the other. The first milestone is the family home depicted in the pictures below which requires the removal of damaged wire frames, the repair of interior and exterior doors and the replacement of clear glass panels.
The amount of funds required to support this family get back into their home shown above is RSD 345,081.28 ($ 3,418).
Your contribution to this noteworthy cause can help reinstate social security for people who are longing for a roof over their head, especially before the cold winter months.