*scroll down for English*
Kolevku maratona zadesio je prošle godine stravičan požar. U malom mestu Mati, kroz koje prolazi antička maratonska staza, tragično je stradalo 100 osoba, a sva priroda je spaljena.
Grčki atletski savez je pokrenuo kampanju "Runners' Forest" (Šuma trkača) kako bi prikupio sredstva za zasađivanje drveća i oživljavanje prirode između 12. i 16. kilometra originalne maratonske staze, kojom i danas trče maratonci.
Beogradski maraton podržava kampanju Grčkog atletskog saveza i želi da pruži priliku trkačkoj zajednici Srbije da učestvuje u obnovi atinske maratonske staze - Šume trkača. Trkači iz Srbije mogu da podrže ovu kampanju svojim online donacijama preko platforme Donacije.rs do 30. aprila 2019. godine.
"Grčki atletski savez ne može da stoji mirno i gleda pustoš koju je ostavio požar prošlog leta i sve živote koje je odneo. Kampanjom 'Runners' Forest' ne želimo da samo podignemo svest i pozovemo globalnu trkačku zajednicu da pomogne pošumljavanje i preporod izgorelih delova originalne maratonske staze, već da motivišemo opštu javnost da dela iz čiste ljubavi i podrške, da pokazujući saosećanje i nadu, podeli našu viziju bolje budućnosti na osnovama solidarnosti i stvaranja uslova za buduće generacije da žive u boljem svetu."
— Kostas Panagopoulos, predsednik Grčkog atletskog saveza
“Runners’ Forest” - Athens Marathon seeks support from the international running community to reconstruct route areas devastated in 2018 fire
The ancient Marathon track goes through the small town of Mati, where 100 people lost their lives as fire swept through the area in summer of 2018. The Hellenic Athletics Federation (SEGAS) have launched a crowdfunding campaign “Runners’ Forest” to support the regeneration of the region. The aim is to raise funds for trees to be planted between 12th and 16th km along the route.
Serbian runners can support this cause through Donacije.rs crowdfunding platform till April 30, 2019.
“The Hellenic Athletics Federation could not stand idly by in the face of widespread disaster wreaked by the wildfires of last summer in Eastern Attica that have caused such damage and loss of life along this section of the Authentic Marathon Route. The initiative to launch the “Runners’ Forest” campaign aims not only at raising awareness among the world running community and individual runners around the world to contribute to the reforestation and rebirth of the burnt parts of the original Marathon route, but also at motivating the general public to an act of pure support and love, engaging everyone for our vision of a better future on the basis of solidarity, as well as creating conditions for future generations to live in a better world in showing compassion and hope, such as the Runners’ Forest”, said Kostas Panagopoulos, President of the Hellenic Athletics Federation.
1% od cilja od 200.000 RSD
*scroll down for English* Kolevku maratona zadesio je prošle godine stravičan požar. U malom mestu Mati, kroz koje prolazi antička maratonska staza, tragično je stradalo 100 osoba, a sva priroda je spaljena. Grčki atletski savez je pokrenuo kampanju “Runners’ Forest” […]
*scroll down for English*
Kolevku maratona zadesio je prošle godine stravičan požar. U malom mestu Mati, kroz koje prolazi antička maratonska staza, tragično je stradalo 100 osoba, a sva priroda je spaljena.
Grčki atletski savez je pokrenuo kampanju "Runners' Forest" (Šuma trkača) kako bi prikupio sredstva za zasađivanje drveća i oživljavanje prirode između 12. i 16. kilometra originalne maratonske staze, kojom i danas trče maratonci.
Beogradski maraton podržava kampanju Grčkog atletskog saveza i želi da pruži priliku trkačkoj zajednici Srbije da učestvuje u obnovi atinske maratonske staze - Šume trkača. Trkači iz Srbije mogu da podrže ovu kampanju svojim online donacijama preko platforme Donacije.rs do 30. aprila 2019. godine.
"Grčki atletski savez ne može da stoji mirno i gleda pustoš koju je ostavio požar prošlog leta i sve živote koje je odneo. Kampanjom 'Runners' Forest' ne želimo da samo podignemo svest i pozovemo globalnu trkačku zajednicu da pomogne pošumljavanje i preporod izgorelih delova originalne maratonske staze, već da motivišemo opštu javnost da dela iz čiste ljubavi i podrške, da pokazujući saosećanje i nadu, podeli našu viziju bolje budućnosti na osnovama solidarnosti i stvaranja uslova za buduće generacije da žive u boljem svetu."
— Kostas Panagopoulos, predsednik Grčkog atletskog saveza
“Runners’ Forest” - Athens Marathon seeks support from the international running community to reconstruct route areas devastated in 2018 fire
The ancient Marathon track goes through the small town of Mati, where 100 people lost their lives as fire swept through the area in summer of 2018. The Hellenic Athletics Federation (SEGAS) have launched a crowdfunding campaign “Runners’ Forest” to support the regeneration of the region. The aim is to raise funds for trees to be planted between 12th and 16th km along the route.
Serbian runners can support this cause through Donacije.rs crowdfunding platform till April 30, 2019.
“The Hellenic Athletics Federation could not stand idly by in the face of widespread disaster wreaked by the wildfires of last summer in Eastern Attica that have caused such damage and loss of life along this section of the Authentic Marathon Route. The initiative to launch the “Runners’ Forest” campaign aims not only at raising awareness among the world running community and individual runners around the world to contribute to the reforestation and rebirth of the burnt parts of the original Marathon route, but also at motivating the general public to an act of pure support and love, engaging everyone for our vision of a better future on the basis of solidarity, as well as creating conditions for future generations to live in a better world in showing compassion and hope, such as the Runners’ Forest”, said Kostas Panagopoulos, President of the Hellenic Athletics Federation.
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