Terms of Use – Donors
Site www.donacije.rs , donations that are being carried out through this site, as well as all other issues pertaining to his, are regulated by the laws of the Republic of Serbia. For all potential disputes regarding donations fall under the jurisdiction of the courts of Republic of Serbia.
1.1. Registration and donation
Donation can be carried out only by registered users.
1.1.1 Registration of the users
Users’ registration is done only once on the envisaged registration form that is available on the web site, by entering basic data on the user. After registration process, the user will get confirmation on successful registration via email that he stated in the registration form. Every user will get his/her own username and password, and he/she would be able to access the website with the aim of donating when he/she logs in.
1.1.2. Donation
The user agrees that funds that he pays in as donation will unconditionally become owned by B92 Fund, while B92 Fund is obliged to transfer those funds on the Organizer of fundraising in accordance with the Terms of Use for the organizers of fundraising. User who donated funds agrees that B92 Fund, in case that Organizer of fundraising is proved to misuses raised funds, will not pay donated funds to the organizer, but instead, in accordance with the decision of the Donation Board that will make final decision on this, allocate funds to one or more ongoing projects on the web site www.donacije.rs . The procedure of donating funds consists of the following stages: Entering the amount of donation
In the field marked on the website, user should enter the amount of the donation that he wants to donate. Donation and all transactions that are carried out on our website are being performed in RSD. If user’s payment card is not linked to its dinar’s account, the amount of the transaction in RSD will be converted into the currency of user’s account under the exchange rate of the bank with which the account is opened, that is to say, the issuer of payment card. Due to mentioned conversions, certain discrepancies are possible from the original amount of the transaction. Minimal amount of donation is RSD 1.000. Review of order form, order confirmation and payment procedure
By clicking on appropriate button, the user confirms entered amount, after which it will be redirected to the order form. Order form consists of the review of basic details of donation: amount and data on the one who ordered it. Prior to confirming order, you can abandon donating or conduct changes regarding donation. Upon confirming donation, the user is automatically redirected to the web site of Banca Intesa Belgrade where it is necessary to make electronic payment. On Banca Intesa Belgrade website the user should enter data from his payment card (Visa, MasterCard) and make a payment. After doing so, if the transaction is successful, the user will be returned to our site where it will be shown that the payment was successful. Soon afterwards, the user will get confirmation on made payment on the email he entered into registration form. In case that payment failed, the user will return to our site with the information on failed transaction. Data on payment card that the user uses while donating are available only to Bank Intesa Belgrade which made payments on behalf of B92 Fund. B92 Fund cannot access data on user’s payment card at any point of transaction.
1.2. Protection of confidential information about the transaction
While entering data on payment card, confidential information are being transferred via public network in the protected (encrypted) form by using SSL protocol and PKI system, as currently most up-to-date encrypted technology. Safety of the data while making payment is guaranteed by the processor of payment cards of Banca Intesa ad Belgrade, so overall process of payment is being carried out on the bank’s web pages. The data of payment card are not at any point available to our system. For all irregularities pertaining to payment procedure, B92 Fund will not bear any responsibility – the processor of payment cards, i.e. Banca Intesa ad Belgrade will he held responsible.
1.3. Complaints
In case of potential problems regarding the procedure of donating funds, the user can submit complaint to the following email address: info@donacije.rs
1.4. Donation repayment
Donation repayment is possible in case that donation is done by abusing payment card on the part of third parties, or in aces that wrong amount of the donation has been entered in payment procedure, and this only in accordance with procedure prescribed by these Terms of Use. It is necessary to submit scanned written and expostulated order for repayment, in the free form, singed by the owner of payment card, within the deadline of 30 days from the date of donation, on the electronic address info@donacije.rs or via post on the address: B92 Fund, 16 Jevrejska St, 11000 Belgrade. With the request for refunding, it is necessary to submit e-mail with confirmation on performed transaction, scanned personal ID of the owner of the payment card and contact phone number. The user will be contacted on behalf of B92 Fund within 5 work days upon the receipt of regular repayment request. B92 Fund will be able to pay returning funds to the user only on the account that is linked to the payment card that was used for donation transaction. B92 Fund is obliged to refund the amount exclusively via VISA, EC/MC and Maestro payment method, meaning that the bank will, when requested from B92 Fund, make the refund of the money on the bank account of the user’s card. Repayment requests submitted after the deadline of 30 days or on the address different from the mentioned will not be taken into consideration.
1.5. Responsibility of B92 Fund
B92 Fund and the persons that organize fundraising via the web site www.donacije.rs are separate legal entities. In case that B92 Fund B92 is not organizer of the action for which fundraising is done, but only offers its services to other individuals to collect funds via the site www.donacije.rs for their own actions, B92 Fund will not bear responsibility to the users, that is to say, donors, nor to any other third parties. The person that serves as organizer of the fundraising campaign on the web site www.donacije.rs is solely responsible.
B92 Fund is obliged and guarantees keeping and protecting privacy of the data of all donors via this web site. B92 Fund gathers only necessary data on donors and the data necessary for business dealings and informing the user in accordance with the good business practices, and with the aim of offering high quality service. All the data on the users are being held confidential in accordance with the law. All employees of B92 Fund are responsible for respecting principles of privacy policy. Moreover, B92 Fund is obliged not to use data for other purposes, without authorization of the user. The user is in a position to request to cease receiving information from B92 Fund, while B92 Fund is obliged to act in accordance with his request.
The content shown on this web site, such as texts, photos, logotypes, video and audio footage, design (banners and icons) and software are owned by B92 Fund, and those cannot be used without prior written consent of B92 Fund.
Overall communication between the users and B92 Fund will be carried out electronically, or on the address of B92 Fund: info@donacije.rs
In view of donation, Terms of Use that are valid on the day of donating funds are being implemented. B92 Fund keeps the right to exert changes within the Terms of Use at any point. Terms of Use are effective with the date of its being published on the web site www.donacije.rs .